We have had a disagreement in our house for quite sometime now. It is the age old question: Cats or dogs? You would think that having an odd number of people in the home there would be a tie-breaking vote, but no. So the question remains. I am using this as my opportunity to show the world why the answer is so easy!
I am a "dog person" (insert joke here) and really despise the feli
nes of the world. My husband is a "cat person" and A-Cat is a perfect combination of mom and dad! Do you see the problem here? DH wants cats, I want a dog and A-Cat thinks we should just get both! She's such a diplomat!

The problem with that many animals, or any number of animals I despise is that I am the one who will end up feeding, and cleaning-up after them. Since the responsibility of the animal falls on my shoulders, it should be my choice!

Cats, on the other hand, are really quite nasty animals. They could care less if you are there or not; just feed and water and clean the litter box. The will be petted when they want without any regard to your feelings or needs. I refuse to bow to an animal that thinks it is smarter than I am. I have a husband for that!
As you can see from the photos of A-Cat and my aunt's dog Ollie, I have saved A-Cat from the dark side, and she too is now a "dog person"! I always knew I liked that girl!
Too cute! is that Patti's dog?
No - Marg and Joe's dog.
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