Friday, November 28, 2008

The Bacon Won't Fry Itself!

Really, almost a month since I have posted? Well, I wish I could say it was because I was stranded on an island with a cabana boy, but alas my friends, no such good news, I have merely been super busy! All of this chaos has brought me back to the original reason I started this blog - journaling my attempt to have it all and do it all. I am learning that feat is impossible!

I took on a new position at work. I am now the happy manager of sextuplets. A friend of mine recently told me she is a stay-at-home mom, "the hardest job ever!" Now, first let me say that I, too, was a SAHM for awhile. It was a tough job! (Here comes the big but...) But, a SAHM mom can tell her employees, "Because I said so! " or "Because I'm bigger than you!" or "That's it, you're going to bed without dessert!" or "Santa's watching!" I can't tell my six employees that they're going to the staff meeting without lunch for talking back, or that they need to have a report into my by noon or they can just wait until their father gets home. Granted, no one at work ever yells, "You're the meanest boss ever! I hate you!" or "Tom Michaelson's boss let's him come in 45 minutes late everyday! Why can't I?" OK, the first one happened once, but I digress!

I absolutely agree that being a SAHM is a difficult and rewarding job, and I tip my little kitty ears to those that do, or have done it. (another but is coming...) But, don't look down your noses at those of us who chose a different route. Our jobs are difficult as well, and despite what some may believe, we love our children just as much as you do. We chose to work in corporate America and then come home to cook dinner, help with homework, vacuum the floors, pay the bills and do laundry (OK, my husband does the laundry). We spend ten hours a day in meetings, running reports, dealing with to-do lists 40 miles long, and trying to be a corporate superstar. Then we come home and try to cram the rest of our lives into the few hours that remain in the day. The lady who told us all we could bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan failed to mention a few things: a) My kitchen will never be that clean, b) I'll be going through the mail and countless papers in A-Cat's backpack as I am being splattered with grease, c) Someone will complain because the bacon is too crispy, d) Someone else will complain because the bacon isn't crispy enough, e) Sometimes, there is no bacon - sorry, but it's Burger King tonight.

I think the truth is that we all choose different paths, and really there is no easy path. It isn't easy trying to juggle a full-time job in corporate America and be a mom. It certainly isn't easy to be a mom who stays home with the kids either. My question, is why do women feel the other side is the enemy? Is it a matter of envy? I absolutely have jealous tendencies when it comes to this issue. Maybe, I'm not the only one. Maybe there are others like me who secretly just want to fry the bacon, or a SAHM who secretly wants to bring it home. Regardless of how they spend their days, women are marvelous creatures and I'm sure there is some alien life-form trying to figure out how we do it. And, no matter which side you're on, that bacon ain't gettin' home on its own and it's not going to fry itself!

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