It’s obvious (but I’ll point it out anyway) that Catholics invented the term “Guilty Pleasures”. Unless you’re a real freak (and I know some of you reading this are…you know who you are too) how can a pleasure be measured in terms of culpability? It just seems to be a bit harsh for something so trivial. None the less, my recent longing (and craving for a candy bar 10 minutes ago) has brought this diabolical issue to the forefront of my mind.
Let’s get beyond the Ho-Hos and Frappacinos and the like. If you feel the need to sneak food, then I feel sorry for you – not in a way that suggests pity or disgust, but in a true sincere way. It’s food, it’s yummy – live it up and (in the words of one of my favorite comedians and fellow red head) tell the world to suck it – literally!
What if your guilty pleasure costs more than $0.65 in a vending machine or $4.35 at a drive-through? What would the Guilty Pleasure Committee have to say about that? Having been raised Catholic (really I only know enough to have polite conversation and feel guilty), I’m sure they would through that under the gluttony banner and damn me for all eternity. Is my little must-have really worth that? You bet your mass-missing ass it is!
Here it is the small little thing I have been lusting (damn – another sin) after for the last 25 days:
Let’s get beyond the Ho-Hos and Frappacinos and the like. If you feel the need to sneak food, then I feel sorry for you – not in a way that suggests pity or disgust, but in a true sincere way. It’s food, it’s yummy – live it up and (in the words of one of my favorite comedians and fellow red head) tell the world to suck it – literally!
What if your guilty pleasure costs more than $0.65 in a vending machine or $4.35 at a drive-through? What would the Guilty Pleasure Committee have to say about that? Having been raised Catholic (really I only know enough to have polite conversation and feel guilty), I’m sure they would through that under the gluttony banner and damn me for all eternity. Is my little must-have really worth that? You bet your mass-missing ass it is!
Here it is the small little thing I have been lusting (damn – another sin) after for the last 25 days:

I know it’s been 25 days be cause I have a 30 day return policy on the fine, but not lust-worthy phone I did buy, thus a timeline on which I must act before my dream is crushed. A new phone was my Christmas present from hubby – and as noted earlier, I picked it out, went and bought it myself. I immediately regretted my decision, but said nothing, and was actually rather happy with new phone. Hubby at one point actually said I should go back and get the other one (I don’t think he actually thought it was possible – just threw it out there to be nice). Being the good and obedient wife I am (did you hear that Catholics?) I tried to put the object of my affection out of mind.
Oh, but I couldn’t. I tried, but I can’t control my dreams. I actually dreamt about the entire exchange process and later spinning in a field of flowers with my new iPhone (I’m just not sure why Tiny Tim was there).
Why am I dreaming of this miraculous device? Why don’t I just go get it? Hubby said it was stoooopid and we didn’t need to spend the extra $120 (OK, clarification: he didn’t say stoooopid and really it’s only $20 because I haven’t sent in the $100 rebate on the first phone yet.) This just goes to show he was just being nice before when he threw out I could exchange my phone.
Last weekend while waiting for a movie, I took hubby into the Apple store – all clean, straight lines and adorned with employees who probably normally aren’t that geeky, but throw them into baby blue t-shirts (1 size too small) and an iPod on a rope around their neck and holy-geek-o-meter! I showed hubby the iPhone and expressed how coooool it was, and then five minutes later declared we should leave before I do something drastic. Really that was just another attempt to express my longing for an iPhone.
So that is my guilty pleasure – my lust of a phone. The day dreams, the fantasies. Do I resist the urge and be happy with what I have, or do I rebel against good sense and go for my dreams?
I need your help! Do you go with hubby who says I should stick with my current phone, or me who says "iPhone, iPhone, iPhone!"
Current Score:
Hubby: 1
Me: 5 (me, two people from tech, a buyer, and Tiny Tim)
So, five days and counting…
So, five days and counting…
I am with your husband, the whole thing is racket they are feeding on your wants…………DON’T CAVE!
You're going to get my vote on the side of conservatism - one for hubby. But then I've been unemployed for 5 months so...
CAVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Ignore everyone else.
Or, buy the Touch.
I have the iPod Touch and I love it. Thanks to my fabulous significant other.
If my cell phone carrier offered the iPhone, I would totally have it, too. How gluttonous is that?
Ps. I feel no guilt.
Lindsey - I can allways count on you to be the voice of reason! Maybe not always good reason, but reason none-the-less!
For the love of God, get the Iphone!!!!!! If Verizon supported it, we would get it Live in the now!
Jim & Shethir
Oh get it and quit bitching already! Geesh!
I say get it, life is too short!!
Cat, you are hilarious! Is the iphone really only $20 more? I say get it and make yourself happy.
You deserve it. Does my vote count? I’m not Catholic you know.
I still vote for keep the blackberry so we can messenger and take the money and get a new purse!
Get the iphone. I have one and it has a secret death ray that kills other phones.
Well? I need to know if you got the shit, or not?
Hello-o-o-o-o..Anybody home?
I tagged you..because, well, you need to blog!
You can't put a price on solitaire on the crapper.
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