Lindsey tells me I have to list 10 honest things about myself (who is going to really know if I’m being honest?) and then tag 7 more people – she only tagged three and then basically gave us the bird, so I don’t feel so compelled to tag all seven – which would mean I would have to tag some strangers, and who needs that nightmare!
1. I quit smoking for about 5 hours. I am weak – so weak.
2. I am a huge procrastinator! I will almost always wait until the very last minute – I work well under pressure!
3. I got my iPhone, I really love him and now I just need to name him. Any ideas?
4. I love the smell of my own hair. Usually I keep my hair really short, so the option of smelling my own hair isn’t there. Now that it’s longer, I love it when I take off my stocking cap and get a whiff of my own hair!!
5. My Christmas tree is still up. Don’t judge me! I have had every intention the last few weeks to take it down, but the task is just so damn daunting!! This weekend is the weekend!
6. I think I may actually be closer to 5 foot 1, but I like saying I’m 5 foot nothin’!
7. I have stinky feet – really stinky feet! I hate to wear socks, so my feet stink – badly.
8. When I was a kid, I made my twin-sister wear two pair of underwear for about a month. I hated wearing undies and our grandma would count how many were in the wash that week.
9. My family does not sit at the kitchen table to eat dinner – and I hate it! I have vowed to make us start eating at the table.
10. I’m a mean mom. I won’t buy clothes or shoes or anything with cartoon characters on them – Disney and Nickelodeon do not send me a marketing check every month. Wh

For more truths, see my very first post here.
Tag! You're it!
1 comment:
Oh man, ya know that dude, what's his face, ya know that guy that made Star Wars? He owes me a shit ton of money! Oh, and the Indiana Jone's guy does too.
I freakin love Steve Nufflebunny, where did you find him? I need one.
Ps. Glad you got the iPhone. I hope you added a massive amount of rediculous applications. That's the best part.
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